The Center for the Study of College Student Retention (CSCSR), formerly Collegeways, web site was initially launched in 1996 by Dr. Alan Seidman, an expert in college student retention issues. Although the site has evolved over time the vision has stayed the same. The vision of the site is to provide retention resources to individuals and the educational community with the latest research findings regarding the retention of students in higher education.
Student retention and attrition is an enduring topic. Identifying who persists from term to term and who leaves, stops out, or transfers to another college, can help an institution sharpen its recruiting efforts, refine its marketing methods, and identify any needed improvements in services to students in the teaching/learning process.
Dr. Alan Seidman is available to provide retention/enrollment management consulting to organizations, colleges and universities and presentations to organizations, meetings, conferences and educational institutions. Learn more about Dr. Alan Seidman.
The Center was selected as the web site of the month by
The Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice has been referenced on The Chronicle of Higher Education.